Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011



Holiday for everyone is very important, after doing daily activity in the office every day. We need to refresh and make new situation with do something to avoid bore with daily routinitas.
That many ways could be doing, because many character with diffrent willingnes. There are many people only go shopping, and the other just browsing internet can make their fresh again. And many people go for holiday to leave all pressure in the daily job.
Before go for Holiday of course we must make planning such as: which country as destination, kind of hotel, how many days and every thing about your trip for holidays. 

After make decision for the best destination for your great holidays, then we prepare for hotel as one part for the planning.
We inform you for save way to make room reservation to the hotel, there many ways to book room to the hotel as follow:

  1. Booking directly to the Hotel.
Reserve a room direct to the hotel without others party. Make sure kind of room, room rate, with normaly rate and could make a little bargain.. And you must get information about ‘cut of date’ for guarantee. This important to make secure yourbooking, normaly the hotel will ask credit cards detail or transfer money via bank.

2.      Make room Reservation by Travel Agent
Travel agent will offer many choose of Hotel, ussualy with their tour. With travel agent more safety because there insurance inclusive with the package. About price of travel agent will litle higher.

  1. On Line Reservation
Make reservation on line it seem more easier, with this reservation will show for destination, kind of room, room rate and  last is discount rate always offering for all season. But this system must guarantee with credit cards and ussualy no change and no cancellation otherwise will charge for first night if threre any booking cancelled.

After you get information about destination and the best hotel will use in your holidays, you should prepare all we be need such as :
-         identification card
-         passport
-         driving licence
-         administarion letter for travelling

Beside that may be your need for you holiday if this holiday absolutely for refreshing, of course you need all about your hobby and can you do there, it likes surfing board, digital camera or video recorder,scate boards, interest book and everything supporting your hobby you can do for your holiday.

We hope your holiday will make new experiences, get new inspiration when back to do your activity

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